> Hi Mike,
> I can't answer this question. My customers are using it productively
> since longer than one year, however the number of use cases is limited
> here. I didn't see a lot of test reports from other users. So I'm not
> able (and don't want to) decide when it's ready for community release.
> Maybe some of users, if anyone already tried it, can give some comments
> on it.

I tried it for my simple tasks (just one user, me, time-to-time usage
with XFCE desktop), and in some cases (speed for example) it's better than
NX, but there are some problems lying on the surface, notably:
1) Copying a large file through shared folder - so bandwidth is used much -
makes input lag and duplicates pressed keys (i.e. pressing one "a" produces
2) Sometimes "Tab" key gets stuck in "down" position and auto-repeats
non-stop, can be stopped by pressing and releasing "Tab" one more time.
Maybe related to "Alt-Tab" hotkey, through not sure.
3) Minor graphics glitches when desktop composition is not used, but really
minor, nothing severe.

So I think it can be labeled as "beta" maybe as for now.

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