
I finally noticed in my client that when I killed the x2gostartagent process, 
if the client is still open when I issue the kill command, then a window 
appears in the client this message over and over:

Connection failed <my_username> is not authorized at 
/usr/lib/x2go/x2gosqlitewrapper.pl line 526.

The client really ought to show these kinds of errors without you having to 
kill the process on the server. But there is a bug in the Mac client where you 
cannot check the "show details" button until *after* a successful login. 
Therefore you never get to see the verbose output when your logins fail -- 
which is when it would be most useful to see it!

Anyway after some digging on that error message, I figured out that my problem 
was that my Bitnami AMI had me signing in as username "ubuntu" which is really 
just an alias to the user "bitnami". But because I was signed in as a different 
username than the name of the home folder, it was messing up. When I logged 
instead using "bitnami" as the username, then suddenly it worked... kind of. 

gnome-session --session=gnome-fallback does not work for me... I'd see the 
screen but was not able to click on anything. I thought, maybe I have the wrong 
bindings installed, so I tried to aptitude install x2gognomebindings but it 
just kept saying this error:

Couldn't find any package matching "x2gognomebindings".  However, the following
packages contain "x2gognomebindings" in their description:

So then I installed the x2goserver-fmbindings and I still couldn't get it to 
respond. I could see the desktop but nothing happens if I click. 

I could also not get on with just using the GNOME selection.

I did have better luck with gnome-session --session=gnome-classic but it's 
still unusably slow. Even on 32k JPEG and with bandwidth set to WAN, stuff just 
happens way too slow, or doesn't happen at all. I know it's not my connection 
that's the problem. It's probably because it's an Amazon Micro instance, and 
it's just dog slow. 

If I use xfce4, I wonder if it would run faster? I'd like to try your xfce4 
steps but I've already installed ubuntu-desktop, so will it hurt me to also 
install xfce4 alongside it? Can I have both installed? I just want to know if I 
should start over fresh with a new AMI. I don't need anything fancy, just want 
a GUI for managing files and running basic utilities like a git client. 



On Sat. 28 Jun.2014, at 7:29 AM, Michael DePaulo <mikedep...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Jon,
> Sorry to hear that you are running into this problem.
> On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 10:13 PM, Jon Gilbert <j...@prismnet.com> wrote:
>> I have a server set up which is Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 
>> 3.2.0-64-virtual x86_64).
>> I installed ubuntu-desktop as instructed by the x2go wiki. I also did these 
>> steps:
>> sudo apt-get install x2goserver
>> sudo apt-get install x2goserver-xsession
>> sudo apt-get install sqlite3
>> sudo x2godbadmin --createdb
> The last 2 commands should not be necessary. I am not very familiar
> with the db though.
>> I try to connect from the Mac client (tried all the versions) and it always 
>> fails. It just hangs at the screen where it's trying to connect. I set the 
>> server log level to debug and it just says:
>> Jun 24 00:52:50 <my_ip> /usr/bin/x2golistsessions[32234]: x2golistsessions 
>> has been called with no option
>> Jun 24 00:52:50 <my_ip> /usr/bin/x2gostartagent: x2gostartagent called with 
>> options: 800x600 isdn 256k-jpeg unix-kde-depth_32 us query 0 D 
>> gnome-flashback.sh
>> Jun 24 00:52:50 <my_ip> /usr/bin/x2gostartagent: client announced itself as 
>> ,,''
>> Jun 24 00:52:50 <my_ip> /usr/bin/x2gosessionlimit[32271]: x2gosessionlimit 
>> has been called
>> Jun 24 00:52:50 <my_ip> /usr/bin/x2golistsessions[32274]: x2golistsessions 
>> has been called with options: --all-servers
>> Jun 24 00:52:51 <my_ip> /usr/lib/x2go/x2gogetdisplays[32289]: db_getdisplays 
>> called, server: <my_ip>; return value:
>> Jun 24 00:52:51 <my_ip> /usr/lib/x2go/x2gogetports[32298]: db_getports 
>> called, server: <my_ip>; return value:
>> Jun 24 00:52:52 <my_ip> /usr/lib/x2go/x2gogetdisplays[32342]: db_getdisplays 
>> called, server: <my_ip>; return value:
>> Jun 24 00:52:52 <my_ip> /usr/lib/x2go/x2gogetports[32351]: db_getports 
>> called, server: <my_ip>; return value:
>> It repeats this over and over as the processor runs at 100% on the server, 
>> being hosed by the several x2go processes that seem to be stuck in an 
>> infinite loop.
>> You'll notice that it runs gnome-flashback.sh in my command, that's because 
>> it doesn't work to connect the normal way either, so I tried the steps 
>> outlined in this e-mail from this list:
>> http://lists.x2go.org/pipermail/x2go-user/2014-May/002260.html
> There is no need to follow those steps because you are using Ubuntu
> 12.04.4, not Ubuntu 14.04. Ubuntu 12.04 has GNOME 3.2, not GNOME 3.8.
> GNOME 3.6 and earlier have gnome "fallback" session, which is
> compatible with X2Go. "flashback" isn't even available until GNOME
> 3.8, it's what "fallback" was renamed to.
>> (I find it annoying that it doesn't work with Gnome 3 according to that 
>> e-mail, yet it doesn't mention this incompatibility in a conspicuous way 
>> anywhere on the x2go site.)
> 1st, to fix your issue, I think you merely need to install package
> gnome-session-fallback.
> 2nd, I agree that our wiki should have a page on distro &
> desktop-environment compatibility. I need to discuss how to design it
> though. Once I create it (or someone else creates it), it should be
> referenced/linked to from other instructions pages on the wiki.
> 3rd, MIke#1 plans to create meta-packages that depend on the necessary
> packages per DE. This will make it easier for users to recognize that
> they need to install certain packages, and easier to install them.
>> Anyway I followed all the steps 1. through 6. in the above-linked e-mail, to 
>> no avail, because it did nothing at all towards making this work.
>> BTW my server is on EC2. Don't know if that matters. And yes, I have
> I have gotten xubuntu 12.04.x to work on EC2 successfully:
> https://vpsboard.com/topic/4241-running-a-lightweight-gui-on-your-vps-via-x2go/
> Let's hope GNOME3 (3.2 of course) works well on it too. I look forward
> to hearing how it performs.
>> Please let me know what is going wrong here and what I can do to fix this. 
>> Thanks. BTW I do have the latest version of XQuartz installed as my client, 
>> and I did set it up to accept remote connections and all that. The 
>> connection gets made no problem; the problem definitely seems to be on the 
>> server.
>> Jon
> I'm mostly certain that the aforementioned fix,
> gnome-session-fallback, is all that is required.
> Maybe other packages are required. For example, icons are missing on
> xfce apps unless you install "xubuntu-icon-theme".
> -Mike#2

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