On 24.08.2016 04:11 PM, brian mullan wrote:
> I see that there have been updates over the past year but its been a while (2+
> yrs) since I last implemented & tried it.   Also, keep waiting to hear more
> about mTeleplayer development.
> Anyone have any recent experience with the x2go browser plugin or info on
> mTeleplayer state?

Looks like I have bad news on that front...

X2Go Plugin will have to be deprecated, as Qt5 dropped support for the NPAPI
browser plugin stuff completely. I could theoretically copy the Qt4 source code
related to the browser plugin and compile a standalone version for that, but
this would leave me with managing an outdated Qt4 source tree.

In the long run, distributions will drop Qt4 support and only ship Qt5, which
means that the browser plugin will be dead at that point.

mTeleplayer is currently not updated anymore, as the original developer left the
project in order to work within the Arctica realm.


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