
We are using x2go for a common compute server at our department. We have users 
both on the local LAN and connections to the other side of Europe that work 
really well. Being able to close the client and have computations still running 
in a GUI environment is great.

However, I think we have encountered a bug. Some (but not all) of the 
long-running x2goagent processes start taking a lot of memory, ~30 GB. This 
adds up quickly so that the other users can't do their work. Below you can see 
how user3 and user7 have x2goagent processes with large memory use (RSS column).

How can I go about debugging this? I have quite a bit of Linux experience, but 
I don't know where to start on this one since I don't know much about how x2go 
works internally.

Server is on Ubuntu Server 18.04.1 LTS, (x2goserver Clients are on Windows 10, version.

johannes@compute-server:~$ ps  -o pid,lstart,rss,user $(pgrep x2goagent)
  PID      STARTED                    RSS           USER
4668      Fri Nov  8 08:35:35 2019   60896           user1
5743      Wed Dec  4 15:44:41 2019   249456          user2
14728      Thu Dec  5 10:17:25 2019   34926120        user3
19408      Fri Dec 20 08:46:30 2019   199720          user4
48797      Wed Oct  2 15:34:44 2019   297680          user5
50693      Thu Dec 12 18:24:24 2019   317796          user6
54561      Thu Dec 19 09:35:34 2019   28977804        user7
56244      Fri Jan 17 08:19:29 2020   170856          user8
60386      Thu Nov 14 09:23:37 2019   146416          user9

johannes@compute-server:~$ apt show x2goserver
Package: x2goserver

Johannes Töger

Associate Senior Lecturer
Cardiac MR Group
Department of Clinical Sciences Lund, Clinical Physiology
Lund University, Sweden

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