Thanks for quick reply.

Answers to your questions below. I hope it gives some clue. Please let me know 
what else I can try.

What version of x2goagent resp. nxagent are you using? dpkg -l nx-libs?

        dpkg -l nx-libs: no packages found <--- this seems strange?

        x2goserver-x2goagent amd64
        nxagent 2: amd64  

Can you please run xrestop within such a session and check if there are numbers 
that are far away from those of a fresh session?

        Nothing out of the ordinary there I think. No processes with high 
memory usage.

You probably cannot answer that due to your usage scenario, but
anyway: does this also happen when you do not disconnect/reconnect?

        I'll try to think of a way to test this.

What are you running inside the session?

        No real pattern here for good and bad sessions. Matlab, Python/machine 
learning stuff, NVIDIA CUDA-accelerated machine learning programs etc.

Johannes Töger

Associate Senior Lecturer
Cardiac MR Group
Department of Clinical Sciences Lund, Clinical Physiology
Lund University, Sweden

-----Original Message-----
From: Ulrich Sibiller <> 
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2020 13:25
To: Johannes Töger <>
Subject: Re: [X2Go-User] Long-running x2goagent, high memory usage

On Fri, Jan 17, 2020 at 11:56 AM Johannes Töger <> 
> We are using x2go for a common compute server at our department. We have 
> users both on the local LAN and connections to the other side of Europe that 
> work really well. Being able to close the client and have computations still 
> running in a GUI environment is great.
> However, I think we have encountered a bug. Some (but not all) of the 
> long-running x2goagent processes start taking a lot of memory, ~30 GB. This 
> adds up quickly so that the other users can’t do their work. Below you can 
> see how user3 and user7 have x2goagent processes with large memory use (RSS 
> column).
> How can I go about debugging this? I have quite a bit of Linux experience, 
> but I don’t know where to start on this one since I don’t know much about how 
> x2go works internally.
> Server is on Ubuntu Server 18.04.1 LTS, (x2goserver 
> Clients are on Windows 10, version.
> johannes@compute-server:~$ ps  -o pid,lstart,rss,user $(pgrep 
> x2goagent)

What version of x2goagent resp. nxagent are you using? dpkg -l nx-libs?

Can you please run xrestop within such a session and check if there are numbers 
that are far away from those of a fresh session?

You probably cannot answer that due to your usage scenario, but
anyway: does this also happen when you do not disconnect/reconnect?

What are you running inside the session?

You could run x2goagent with valgrind to identify memory leaks but I am unsure 
if that is working on a stock installation ( I don't do the packaging for 
Debian/Ubuntu so I don't know if the deliveres binaries allow for decent 
analysis/output). I'll check that this weekend.

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