> The idea that everyone has or is likely to have 25mbit symmetrical
> Internet or better isn't true in "first world nations" forget about
> generally anywhere in the world. If we didn't care about limited network
> performance, I can't see why everyone wouldn't just use VNC... The
> performance is just not there with "just stream video of the screen"
> technologies.

Well, I can agree with that. But there is one problem: mainstream doesn't
care. Websites are bloated, pictures, videos everywhere, tons of JS etc.
Regarding X2Go - X11 is being obsolete, Wayland is not developed with
low-bandwidth remote access in mind, modern GUI toolkits make heavy use of
bitmaps etc.
All that leaves not so much choice - transfer bitmaps, bitmaps and more
bitmaps. Compress them, cache, etc, but use bitmaps.

// Offtopic: as we joke - Ukraine has good and very cheap internet just
because there is no Ministry of Internet here :)
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