On Tue, Aug 11, 2020 at 5:19 PM Neal Becker <ndbeck...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I (still) have a strange problem with copy/paste on my setup.  When x2go 
> client is active, copy/paste stops working locally (nevermind if it works 
> between local and remote).
> Client is using kde, server is mate.

sigh... Neverending story. This might be related to the internal
clipboard manager in kde. As I don't know every kde version around
please research how to disable that for your version.

Do you have a strict procedure to trigger this behaviour?

Does it start workin again when you suspend the session?

Since nx-libs we have a keystroke for dumping the clipboard
state. Please check if it is active in /etc/x2go/keystrokes, look for
line similar to this:
<keystroke action="dump_clipboard" Control="1" Shift="1" AltMeta="1" key="c" />

If not, add it. The either suspend/resume the session or press the
"reread keystrokes" keystroke.

When the situation happens again please press the configured keystroke
and send me the server side log ~/.x2go/.../session.log. There's no
clipboard content in the log but you can double check if in doubt ;-)

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