Well, as said before I do not have any Nvidia hardware. But today I
played a bit with that stuff with Firefox 78.7.0-esr on Debian wiht
Intel graphics and I see the same errors you see inside NX. So maybe
this is not all linked to nvidia but simply firefox failing some
checks in an NX session. firefox does not even load libGL here.
Investigating further...

On Thu, Oct 21, 2021 at 5:54 PM Eric Shell <esh...@ucsc.edu> wrote:
>> Did you reinstall the same nvidia drivers or a newer version?
> Right now I'm again running the original drivers (460.73.01) installed from 
> the .run file.
>> IIRC there once was the necessity to chmod /dev/nvidia or similar to
>> make it available to all users. Not sure if that's still required.
> The permissions look correct. There are /dev/nvidia0 and /dev/nvidia1 devices 
> for the 2 GPUs:
> # ll /dev/nvidia*
> crw-rw-rw-. 1 root root 195,   0 Oct 19 09:58 /dev/nvidia0
>> Just to be sure: are you connecting to the local X server (a so called
>> shadow session) or are you starting a NEW mate desktop in addition to
>> X server?
> I don't think so but how can I tell? I am not connecting with X2Go/X11 
> Desktop Sharing if that's what opens a shadow session, but rather starting a 
> MATE session.
>> > WebGL creation failed:
>> > * Refused to create native OpenGL context because of blacklist entry: 
>> > * Exhausted GL driver options.
>> >
>> > didn't get WebGL working, either, but did change the about:support output:
>> >
>> > WebGL creation failed:
>> > * Refused to create native OpenGL context because of blacklist entry: 
>> > * Exhausted GL driver options.
>> Does this call work with glxinfo/glxgears?
> Yes, it does. glxgears runs without crashing the session and glxinfo reports 
> it is using direct rendering. It appears to be using my client's (a VM) X 
> server for OpenGL rendering, is that right?
> ...
> OpenGL vendor string: VMware, Inc.
> OpenGL renderer string: llvmpipe (LLVM 7.0, 256 bits)
> OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 18.3.4
> OpenGL shading language version string: 1.20
>> > Any idea how I can get WebGL rendered in an X2Go session again? I would 
>> > assume that there wasn't a solution using X2Go if I hadn't used it 
>> > successfully myself mere days ago. I intend not to use VNC if at all 
>> > possible.
>> I am a bit puzzled about that blacklist entry. Maybe that is
>> modifiable in about:config. I have checked my firefox88 and it does
>> NOT seem to have this blacklist entry in about:config.
>> Also check/disable the hardware acceleration setting in firefox.
> I tried setting webgl.force-enabled to true and got different output from 
> about:support:
> WebGL creation failed:
> * tryNativeGL
> * Exhausted GL driver options.
> I've tried toggling hardware acceleration on/off but it doesn't seem to make 
> a difference.
>> Uli
> --
> Eric Shell
> PBSci Technical Staff
> esh...@ucsc.edu
> 831 459 4919
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