
Verify your NTFS permissions on your filesystem. Or download and install 
filemon (file/folder access auditing) tool from Sysinternals (now part of 
MIcrosoft), and check the results

By default C drive (root drive) on Windows machines accessible by admin users 
only . In addition if you have space in folder and/or file name like this: 
C:/Users/Celi Audi, you have to use quotionmarks like this "C:/Users/Celi Audi"

Good luck


2024. 07. 10, szerda keltezéssel 20.20-kor Celi ezt írta:

I  read about this in the Archives, but no solution. The issue is: if I try to 
login under my Microsoft account, which has generated a user folder named as my 
real full name (with a blank in the middle), I got the error messages:

Loop: PANIC! Can't open options file '/cygdrive/C/Users/Celi'. Error is 2 'No 
such file or directory'.Loop: PANIC! Can't open options file 
'/cygdrive/C/Users/Celi'. Error is 2 'No such file or directory'.

Error: Can't open options file '/cygdrive/C/Users/Celi'. Error is 2 'No such 
file or directory'.

Note that the name of the folder is C:/Users/Celi Audi, but the second name 
after the space is not recognized - however, this used to work in Win 10.

No problems occur when I launch x2goclient from a local account with a username 
(no spaces inside) as the user folder name.

But it's not easy to work switching between the two, which is necessary unless 
I reinstall everything. Maybe you can help?

Thanks in advance,

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