Can you connect to the serial port to which the console is attached and watch
the data come in through a terminal program, such as minicom or screen?

The data from those devices is straight ASCII, and if it's properly dumping
the data to the serial port then you should be able to see it coming in to
the terminal program and it should look like an APRS weather report (minus
position and station information).

If that works, then telling Xastir to connect to that serial port as a 
"Serial WX" interface should Just Work, provided all the serial port 
parameters are set correctly.  If you can't even see the data in a terminal
program, it may be that you're not setting the parameters (baud rate, parity,
stop bits, etc.) the way the device needs.

If that is not the problem, I can't guess what might be.

On Sat, Jan 30, 2021 at 01:34:34PM -0600, we recorded a bogon-computron 
collision of the <> flavor, containing:
> I have been trying to get Xastir to get weather data from my Davis Vantage
> Pro2 without success.
> I am using Xastir setup on Linux Mint 18.3.
> My console has a solid wireless data connection with the Pro2, displaying
> current weather data.
> For the data connection between Xastir and the Davis Vantage Pro2 console I
> have tried:
> (1) an older (circa pre-2008) WeatherLink USB Data Logger
> (2) the serial-port #6540 WeatherLink APRS Data Logger
> (3) the serial-port #6510 WeatherLink Data Logger
> >From my review of this email list's archive, the #6510 serial-port Data
> Logger should work as it provides data to the serial port without being
> promoted. This eliminates the need for using the meteo and mysqldb work
> around.
> I have had no success establishing a link between the console and Xastir to
> display the console's weather data. I have tried using the serial ports on
> my computer as well as using a USB-to-serial adapter. Nothing has worked.
> Can anyone provide specific directions or instructions to enable Xastir to
> receive data from my Vantage Pro2 console?
> Thank you for your assistance,
> Scott
> _______________________________________________
> Xastir mailing list

Tom Russo    KM5VY
Tijeras, NM  

 echo "prpv_a'rfg_cnf_har_cvcr" | sed -e 's/_/ /g' | tr [a-m][n-z] [n-z][a-m]

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