So I ran into a problem tonight that I thought was interesting.  Below
is the packet that is received at my station and below that is the
decoding of that packet in Xastir.

You will see where we were messing around with the way his PHG was being
sent.  At no time did the software decode his PHG properly.  It always
displayed the "default".  KE4TZN is running UI-View32, btw.  Anyone have
any ideas?


Packets received: 29     Last Heard: 11/15/2006 22:01:27
Heard via the TNC on device 2, last via Internet on device 0
Data path: APU25N,WIDE2-2
Comment 11/15 22:01 : PHG7280 {UIV32N}
Comment 11/15 22:00 : /PHG7280 {UIV32N}
Comment 11/15 21:58 : /PHG7280/ {UIV32N}
Current Power Gain: default (9W @ 20ft HAAT, 3dB omni, range 6.2mi)
Distance from my station: 4.6 miles  Bearing from my station: 97.0°
Last Position: 11/15  22:01   35 35.790N  077 20.760W
    FM15ho *


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