On 22/11/2006, at 2:21 AM, Curt, WE7U wrote:

On Mon, 20 Nov 2006, Jason Winningham wrote:

Another solution would be a standalone mkiss type utility that runs
outside the kernel.  This type of utility should be portable to other
systems, like Mac OS X or Solaris (maybe cygwin, but I don't know

I thought about this as well.  Kind of like the x_spider code we
have now, only a separate utility that would hook to one MKISS
hardware serial port, then would branch out to multiple PTY's in

Source code to a linux mkiss daemon that should be pretty easy to make work without the linux ax25 code is reachable via the radio.linux.org.au site;

http://radio.linux.org.au/pkgdetail.phtml? sectpat=All&ordpat=&descpat=&pkgid=93


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