On Dec 26, 2006, at 6:14 AM, Carl Makin wrote:

Source code to a linux mkiss daemon that should be pretty easy to make work without the linux ax25 code is reachable via the radio.linux.org.au site;

http://radio.linux.org.au/pkgdetail.phtml? sectpat=All&ordpat=&descpat=&pkgid=93

Thanks. This looks like it does the job, and does it more simply that I would have expected. It's going to need a bit of work to compile on OS X.

Here's a different solution for those who, like me, need to hook up a bunch of rs232 devices without much fuss. I stumbled across this:


I have not bought one, but it looks like it meets my needs: 4 rs232 ports, one box, on cable back to computer (USB, not rs232), uses the FTDI chipset (drivers work on windows, linux, mac os x) and in addition can supply external power to the DB9 connector (not sure of the details on that one).

Yeah, it's $90, but it's four usb/rs232 adapters plus a usb hub in one box, so the price is in line with the solution I've got now. Plus it's a nice metal box with mounting tabs and power distribution over DB9. If I hadn't already spent close to $100 on various usb/ rs232 adapters I'd already have one on the way.

If anyone actually has one of these, please let me know how it performs.


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