On Sat, Feb 10, 2007 at 11:23:20PM -0500, we recorded a bogon-computron 
collision of the <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> flavor, containing:
> Well, I've botched it!  Got to break some eggs before you can make an
> omelet.
> Somehow, make distclean would only work when pointed to the xastir
> directory, not build.  

Don't worry, then.  make distclean will emtpy out a build directory, but
only when it's been configured already -- if it doesn't work, then it is
because the directory is already clean and there's no makefile anymore. 
Just go right to the "./configure" step.

> I'm going to have to start again.  Xastir does not
> run now from the icon.  

Try running it from the command line, by typing "xastir &" at the shell
prompt.  The icon is nothing but a short cut for running 
/usr/local/bin/xastir, and if that file is busted then the icon won't work.
You can get more information about what's wrong by doing it from the 
command line.  If your last attempt to install clobbered the binary, then
the icon won't work, but the error messages will be going off into 

> I would like to just download xastir, since vmplayer
> and xubuntu seem to be working well.  

> Maybe I should just start again.  If I
> just erase everything, will the cvs update rebuild it for me?

You shouldn't need to to erase everything, so don't do that yet.

Please walk through the following steps and tell us what is reported
at each.  There's something busted, but starting from scratch is probably 
not what's necessary --- let's find out what's wrong and fix that before
just wiping it clean and starting over.  

  1) cd ~/src/XASTIR/xastir
  2) cvs update
  3) ./bootstrap

That should work fine and should say exactly this:
     6) Removing autom4te.cache directory...
     5) Running aclocal...
     4) Running autoheader...
     3) Running autoconf...
     2) Running automake...
     1) Checking for 'mkinstalldirs'... Found!
 Bootstrap complete.

If it doesn't say all that, something went wrong here.  Tell us what it says.

If it *does* say all that, it's all good and we can go on:
  4) cd ..
  5) rm -rf build 
  6) mkdir build 

This will remove the build directory, leaving the actual xastir source code
intact.  The last command makes a new, empty build directory --- for all 
intents and purposes starting from scratch, but without erasing the source 
code, just the results of a previous compilation.  Now we can start again:

  7) cd build
  8) ../xastir/configure

This should output a bunch of stuff about what features are enabled in the
xastir build.  A successful step here should end with a block of output
that looks like this:

 xastir 1.8.5 has been configured to use the following
 options and external libraries:

 Building with AX25 ................................. : no
 Building with Festival ............................. : yes
 Building with GPSMan ............................... : yes
 Building with GraphicsMagick/ImageMagick ........... : ImageMagick
 Building with libproj .............................. : yes
 Building with GeoTiff .............................. : yes
 Building with GDAL/OGR ............................. : yes
 Building with ShapeLib ............................. : yes
 Building with pcre ................................. : yes
 Building with dbfawk ............................... : yes
 Building with map caching .......................... : yes
 Building with rtree indexing ....................... : yes
 Building with ErrorPopups (Old Method) ............. : no
 Building with libgc (Debug) ........................ : no
 Building with profiling (Debug) .................... : no
 Building with Linux Standard Base .................. : no
 xastir will be installed in /usr/local/bin.
 Type 'make' to build Xastir (Use 'gmake' instead on some systems).

If it doesn't say something like this (the specific "yes" lines might
be different, but it'll look like this), tell us what it *does* say.

If that worked, then 
  9) make && sudo make install

Look for error messages as this happens --- the "&&" means "only do the second 
command if the first one worked" so as long as the last few lines of output
don't mention "error" it should have built and installed a new xastir into

If that worked, try starting xastir from the command line:

  10) xastir &

If xastir starts then you're good, and the icon should also work.  If it
produces error messages and doesn't start, let us know what they are.

> I'd like to be able to save all the changes to xastir.  Is there a setup or
> personalization file I can hold onto before I start again?

Yes --- there's a directory called ".xastir" under your home directory that
has all the setup files.  As long as you don't trash that directory, your
set up will be preserved.

Tom Russo    KM5VY   SAR502   DM64ux          http://www.swcp.com/~russo/
Tijeras, NM  QRPL#1592 K2#398  SOC#236 AHTB#1 http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?DDTNM
"And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is
 one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh,
 oooh, the sky is the limit!"  --- The Tick
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