Something else that I forgot to mention: would it be appropriate to add retry capability to local devices? IIRC, an internet server interface can be flagged to reconnect on net failure, but there's no such option for other devices.

Here's the scenario that happened Saturday: GPS and two TNCs plugged in to USB/rs232 adapters, which in turn are plugged into a USB hub. The hub flaked out, dropping all three devices. I had to a) realize there was a problem, and b) restart the interfaces. This happened multiple times (boo Belkin).

To complicate matters, the lockfiles were left in place and I wasn't able to do a simple restart of xastir to clear things up. There _might_ have been a message to STDERR about the lockfiles, but I don't know for sure as I was driving and my navigator isn't as familiar with xastir as I am.


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