Fyi, I've been playing with multiple Ubuntu/Kubuntu instances using VMware
Player.  Last night I installed Kubuntu 7.04 clean under VMware and this
time instead of adding the standard Xastir 1.84 binary I grabbed version
1.82 from the Edgy repository, and I got it installed fine with maps working
OK.  Then I upgraded it to 1.84 using the Adept updater, and everything is
still fine (except for the Terraserver problem, but that does not appear to
be a Xastir issue).  My guess is that it may have worked this time  if I had
installed 1.84 directly, but I suppose I will never know.  Anyway, maps are
finally working with Kubuntu 7.04 and Xastir 1.84.

I also tried compiling Xastir 1.91 from CVS on a clean installation of
Kubuntu 7.04, but unfortunately there were errors.  Next time I think I'll
try the 1.9.0 source from Sourceforge.

I have had really good results installing Ubuntu/Kubuntu clean under VMware
Player.  If anyone is interested, I documented it at

Lee - K5DAT

On 5/27/07, Curt Mills <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Don't recall.  I use wget all the time, but not curl.  Try "man
curl" to read the manual page about the command.

Curt, WE7U.                             archer at eskimo dot com
  Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"

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