Hi Bernard,
        I have one photo readily available.  I have more but
have no where to post them and I think everyone would
get upset if I mailed even one 3MB picture to the list.  :-)
Here is what is currently available.


If they get set up somewhere I'll send a pointer to the list.

I agree, usefulness is what it's all about.  That's why my
other passion is emergency communications (not that I
get to use it all that much :-).  But being that geo-location
is so fundamental to a *lot* of activities, Xastir is a very
important contribution.


On Jun 5, 2007, at 9:32 AM, Bernard Michael Tyers wrote:

On 13/05/07, Craig Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Xastir was truly the key to finding that balloon.

Thanks guys.  A *very* nice program.


Nice story. any photos? I always like to see photos of the
tool/hardware in operation.

I was involved with a hillwalking festival at the weekend in Ireland,
which was tracking walkers, some being licensed operators.

The "non-licensed" people on the walk very impressed that a) people
were giving up their time to do it, and b) that there was useful
technology involved in amateur radio ("i thought you just listened to
ships" someone said to me).

Its a nice feeling when your hobby has an actual useful purpose.



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