The Google Earth deal is a fairly straightforward KML hack where you supply lat/lon in the correct order and it plots 'em. Can't recall the correct incantation but it's not hard. I can look and post an example later, perhaps

Craig Anderson wrote:
Hi Bernard,
    I don't understand the failure you're seeing.  The permissions
are correct on the server and I could download them.

As for the GoogleEarth plot of the balloon track, I don't know
how it was made.  The Stanford launch team did that picture.
I haven't had time to dive into the technology underlying
GoogleEarth.  The Stanford project web site is:


On Jun 6, 2007, at 9:14 AM, Bernard Michael Tyers wrote:

On 06/06/07, Craig Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello all,
The pictures from this "expedition" are now in
thanks to Gerry Creager.  Included is a file with the captions to
each picture.

Hi Craig,

Thanks, *but* when I try to view them I get a "550 Failed to open file."

From memory, ftp error 550 is access denied.


ps: how did you get the waypoints plotted on GoogleEarth? Was that
manually done?

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