--- "Curt, WE7U" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, 26 Jun 2007, Alex Carver wrote:
> > Don't forget also that a combination FRS/GMRS
> device
> > like a Rino has a stock, low gain antenna that is
> not
> > replaceable in order to maintain compliance with
> the
> > FCC rules governing FRS.  So the MicroTrak wins
> > because it's got a replaceable antenna that could
> use
> > something like a long whip or even a high gain
> Yagi.
> > The D7s also have this advantage over the Rinos.
> My feeling is that 300mW isn't enough in the woods. 
> I'm aiming for
> somewhere around 5-8W for a portable tracker setup. 
> Once the
> digipeater-in-a-backpack sort of thing takes off, we
> _might_ be able
> to get by with less, perhaps 1-5W.

Well, my point wasn't that the 300mW is great, but
that the ability to replace the antenna with something
better is a greater improvement over the fixed rubber
antenna on the Rino.

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