In following up with one of my original issues...

I'm running Debian Etch\Xastir 1.8.?, Kenwood TS-2000 w/onboard tnc.

If I "View, All incoming" I see many various types of posits\packets
listed... weather stations, digis, posits, etc.. But only 4 "stations" are
being rendered to the map. My posit, One house, a weather station, and a
repeater. These other three are more than 50 miles from my position, and all
list a "path" of "apz256" or "apz257".

I believe this codifies the originating aprs software for the packet, but I
don't know which client this indicates, and I don't know why Xastir only
paints these on the map and no others.

When I've fired up my UI-View32, I see dozens of local packets.

It's like there is a filter enabled or something. Or could there be a TNC
setting I need to init?

Any suggestions\insights?


Rick - kg4ofo

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