On Mon, 16 Jul 2007 01:30:04 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Or you can get *REALLY* barbaric and manually edit /etc/group
> Search for the uucp line - add your username to the list.
> Originally, it looks like:
> uucp:x:14:uucp
> Make it look like:
> uucp:x:14:uucp,name
> Where 'name' is your username.

Not such a good idea - then Fedora complains that /etc/group and /etc/gshadow 
don't match which can totally stuff things up. The same thing happens if you 
manually edit /etc/passwd - the password file and the shadow password file 
get out of sync which can cause authentication problems.

When using shadow passwords and groups it is always much safer to use the 
tools provided that keep things properly in sync.

I know - I found out the hard way (by manually editing /etc/group...<grin>).
Rodney Baker VK5ZTV
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