On Fri, 10 Aug 2007, Jim Tolbert wrote:

> I just received an e-mail from a supplier about the Garmin Rino. Has
> anyone else heard this info... any confirmation?

Haven't heard.

> What is the status of the new generation of trackers ( Tracker2, I
> think?).  As I understand, the innovation is that they are digipeaters
> as well.  Correct?

The T2-135 which fits inside the Alinco DR-135T mobile radio is
evidently able to be purchased from Scott's website.

The Tracker2 in a steel case:  He has a few hand-assembled units
which are mostly spoken for, and should have more available soon.

Both of these can function as WIDEn-N digipeaters, and pre-emptive
digipeaters, as well as trackers and KISS TNC's.

There's also the Byonics TinyTrak4 which is still in development.  I
think Byon just said his goal for production was 5 or 6 weeks out?
I don't know what the current feature set is for these, but it'll
improve over time and is user-flashable.  So is the Tracker2.

> For SAR GPS tracking, on each field searcher, we would still need a
> radio, a tracker, and a mapping GPS.  Is that correct?  Or can a GPS
> receiver like the Deluo be used in place of the "mapping GPS"?

You could certainly use a Deluo or nearly any other GPS that put out
NMEA serial data.  What you can't use is a GPS with a USB port, if
that's the only type of port they have.

> Is there any company that anyone knows of that is working on a unit with
> the radio/gps/tracker that will work on the APRS network -- aka, a Rino
> for Ham?

Scott was working on a radio/TNC combo.  Not sure how far along that
project is.  There's also the 8W amp to go with the integrated radio
transmitter/TNC that Byonics is selling, but that unit has no

Curt, WE7U: <www.eskimo.com/~archer/>     XASTIR: <www.xastir.org>
  "Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
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