On Aug 10, 2007, at 9:42 AM, Jim Tolbert wrote:

What is the status of the new generation of trackers ( Tracker2, I think?). As I understand, the innovation is that they are digipeaters as well. Correct?

Scott has a couple. The T2, currently in beta, seems to be very near production status. It is a full-up TNC with digpeat capability, has a tracker in it, and can plot received stations on a mapping GPS. The OT+ does some decoding in software. It's not as good at decode as the T2, but it's better than nothing.

Byon has some new TinyTrack stuff (the TT4 sounds comparable to the OT +, IIRC), but I don't know much about them. Byon's stuff is all closed source. Scott's OpenTracker series is open source, so Scott gets my money.

For SAR GPS tracking, on each field searcher, we would still need a radio, a tracker, and a mapping GPS. Is that correct?

That depends on your needs. If all you need is for someone at the ICP to know where the teams are, you can get by with a dumb tracker (radio/tracker/GPS engine). If you want the teams to know where the other teams and other resources are, they'll need decode and mapping capability (D7 or Tracker 2 and mapping GPS).

Is there any company that anyone knows of that is working on a unit with the radio/gps/tracker that will work on the APRS network -- aka, a Rino for Ham?

Nothing I've heard of.


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