On Tue, 4 Sep 2007, Rick Green wrote:

xastir is reporting '360' for wind direction all the time. I'm running xastir 1.8.2 on that machine, just in case a later release changed this behavior.

I see a new development releasse has just been issued, so I thought I'd scan thru the current source for a clue or two. I'm not a C programmer, so I'm just guessing at the meaning of most of it, but I used to program in several other languages, so mebbe they're good guesses...

From the Peet bros. FAQ:


      Header = !!
Data Fields (All data fields are four ASCII characters representing hex digits, most significant first)
          o 1. Wind Speed (0.1 kph)
          o 2. Wind Direction (0-255)
          o 3. Outdoor Temp (0.1 deg F)
          o 4. Rain* Long Term Total (0.01 inches)
          o 5. Barometer (0.1 mbar)
          o 6. Indoor Temp (0.1 deg F)
          o 7. Outdoor Humidity (0.1%)
          o 8. Indoor Humidity (0.1%)
          o 9. Date (day of year)
          o 10. Time (minute of day)
          o 11. Today's Rain Total (0.01 inches)*
          o 12. 1 Minute Wind Speed Average (0.1kph)*
      Carriage Return & Line Feed

Then, in wx.c, I find this block of code, which I think is decoding this structure: I may not know C, but I can read comments!

        // Peet Brothers Ultimeter 2000 in data logging mode //
        case (APRS_WX3):

 /snip a few lines/

           /* wind speed */
            if (data[2]!='-') { // '-' signifies invalid data
                substr(temp_data1,(char *)(data+2),4);

...so here's how I'm reading this: The input line is in an array of characters 'data', and data[2] would refer to this array at offset 2. Bytes 0 and 1 would contain the identifiers '!!', so wind speed would be in the four bytes beginning at offset 2. Here's where my C ignorance shows. I don't understand how you can refer to the same string as an array of bytes (data[2]), and also in the aggregate, as you are using a substring function to pick our four consecutive bytes starting at data+2, which is the same location as data[2]?

...so we skip down a few more lines...

           /* wind direction */
            // Note that the first two digits here may be 00, or may
            // be FF if a direction calibration has been entered.
            // We should zero them.
            if (data[8]!='-') { // '-' signifies invalid data
                substr(temp_data1,(char *)(data+8),2);
                temp_data1[0] = '0';
                temp_data1[1] = '0';

It's a four-byte field, but the first two are bogus, and should be ignored. The field actually begins in data[6], but you ignore the first two and grab two bytes starting at data+8. But then you overwrite those two bytes with zeroes! The older sources I looked at (1.4.0 and 1.7.1) both just ignore the first two bytes, and grab two from data+8, but they lack the comment about the calibration factor, and the two assignments that clobber the data. Before you laugh too hard, remember I'm not a C programmer, but I'd be tempted to try something like this:

           /* wind direction */
            // Note that the first two digits here may be 00, or may
            // be FF if a direction calibration has been entered.
            // We should zero them.
            if (data[6]!='-') { // '-' signifies invalid data
                substr(temp_data1,(char *)(data+6),4);
                temp_data1[0] = '0';
                temp_data1[1] = '0';

So I went ahead and did it. I downloaded and untarred the current 1.9.1 source tree, then `apt-get build-dep xastir`, which brought down 38MB of various libraries and header files. Then, after CD'ing to the xastir-1.9.1/ directory, I issued a `./configure`, which told me I had all the recomended stuff except map caching, and even all of the 'adventurous' stuff except geotiff and GDAL/OGR. `make` and `make install` were successful. Compiling from the tarball installed into a different directory than the default Kubuntu RPM, but as it turns out, /usr/local/bin is ahead of /usr/bin in the path, so it superceded the old version without any intervention. I restarted xastir, and the new version appear to work, at least it opened the interfaces and displayed a map. I didn't really explore too much, only enough to check 'help/about' to make sure I was indeed looking at the new version, then 'view/own wx data' to verify that I was still getting the constand 360's. Enough of that. I went into the source tree and edited the two lines mentioned above, then went back to the top directory, and issued `make && sudo make install`. It didn't take very long at all this time. I re-launched xastir, waited a few seconds until 'decoded wx data' appeared in the status window, and checked 'view/own wx data'. Wind direction is showing as '112' which is close enough to the current position of the arrow on the LCD display, so I think I might just have fixed it!

Will you accept this long ramble as a 'bug submission with patch attached'?

Rick Green, N8BJX

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temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
                                  -Benjamin Franklin

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