Thanks Brad & Jeremy,
        Yes, I'm going against the trend of the last few decades
of computer science research here, but with some reasons.
If I'm going to ask a lot of RACES folks who are not Linux
wizards to install Xastir on their laptops, all those screwy
libraries to maintain will be a deal-breaker.  If I can create one
self-contained binary that I can pass out this will be a huge
simplification.  They won't have to go hunting for all the right
libraries and figure out how to get them all to compile, they
just copy my one binary and run it.

Hopefully.  :-)

Anyone know if I can compile 'static' under Cygwin?  How
much of the Cygwin environment can get linked in?  How
"stand-alone" will that binary be?  No Cygwin install?

Thanks very much,

On Nov 18, 2007, at 9:49 PM, Brad Douglas wrote:

Hey Craig,

Yes, it's certainly possible to have a static binary, but I don't really
see the point unless the libraries used are only used for Xastir and
nothing else.

Basically, you need to compile all dependents to create static libraries
(*.a).  Not terribly difficult, but not necessarily trivial, either.

AFAIK, Fedora (IIRC, that's what you're using) generally does not offer
static libraries, so you'll have to build them yourself.

All dependent software supports '--enable-static --disable-shared'
configure options.

On Sun, 2007-11-18 at 21:17 -0800, Craig Anderson wrote:
Hi all,
        I must be get'n old and out of touch.
But I remember the days when we used
to compile things static and not have all
these dynamic libraries that get lost and
out of date and incompatible.  Is it even
possible to compile Xastir statically and
end up with one giant binary that is not
dependent on having all these libraries
installed everywhere?

Brad Douglas <rez touchofmadness com>                    KB8UYR/6
Address: 37.493,-121.924 / WGS84    National Map Corps #TNMC-3785

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