On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 03:31:20PM -0700, we recorded a bogon-computron 
collision of the <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> flavor, containing:
> On Fri, 20 Jun 2008, Chip Griffin wrote:
> > I haven't tried that yet, but if I quit and restart Xastir a whole bunch of
> > expired weather alerts appear. I understand reading in the log file, but
> > shouldn't it automatically filter out or otherwise dispense with ones that 
> > are
> > expired???
> It tries to, but as I recall there's not enough date information in
> the packets.  Xastir has to make judgement calls whether it's a
> future alert, and expired alert, or a present alert.
> I suppose we could check timestamps on the log files to determine
> whether they're too old and we shouldn't read them in at all.  I'm
> not sure whether we do that now:  I'd have to look at the code.
> If you don't run Xastir often and it doesn't check the timestamps on
> those logfiles, the best option would be to turn off "WX Alert
> Logging".

I'm real confused by this.  The log files aren't supposed to be read in 
automatically on restart.  They're LOGS not saved state.  You can pull them
in by selecting an option in the File menu, but it's not supposed to
happen without your specifically taking action to do it.  This sounds like
something else fishy.

I'm not aware of anything that is supposed to save WX alerts between runs.
They're supposed to be processed on receipt only.

Tom Russo    KM5VY   SAR502   DM64ux          http://www.swcp.com/~russo/
Tijeras, NM  QRPL#1592 K2#398  SOC#236 AHTB#1 http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?DDTNM
 "It's so simple to be wise: just think of something stupid to say and
  then don't say it."  --- Sam Levinson

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