Messages by Thread
[Xastir] maps, loading
[Xastir] WMSRadar down?
Steve Friis
[Xastir] Changing text color on stations
Ronny Julian
[Xastir] File Config Station does not open window
Ronny Julian
[Xastir] geotiff includes on Ubuntu 8.03
Dick Repasky
[Xastir] Anyone have time to help via IM this weekend?
Ronny Julian
[Xastir] Waypoint file load
Tony Hunt
[Xastir] anonCVS delay
Curt, WE7U
[Xastir] Xastir Crashing
Tom ve7did
[Xastir] DAO extended-precision construct
Jim Tolbert
[Xastir] Working with CAD Polygons
Jim Tolbert
[Xastir] User-selectable Fonts
Curt, WE7U
[Xastir] internet server config?
Christopher D. Thompson
[Xastir] Lockups using maps again
Alex Carver
[Xastir] Xastir development snapshot
Curt, WE7U
[Xastir] Font Problems in Menus, FIXED!
Curt, WE7U
[Xastir] Thanks for the info !
Chris Moulding
[Xastir] WM's - was Ham Radio Packages for open SUSE 11.0 // Amateurfunkpakete für openSUSE 11 .0
Lee Bengston
[Xastir] Canadian Topo Maps
[Xastir] Error opening port
William McKeehan
[Xastir] More detail on 300 baud transceiver...
Chris Moulding
[Xastir] Winlink stations on APRS-IS
Curt, WE7U
Solved: [Xastir] XASTIR and openSUSE 11
Lee Bengston
[Xastir] 300 baud off-air data into Xastir
Chris Moulding
[Xastir] Xastir as root?
[Xastir] Maps query
Erik Jakobsen
[Xastir] comport kludge
Wes Johnston, AI4PX
[Xastir] comport under andlinux
Wes Johnston, AI4PX
[Xastir] Font warning message
Richard Polivka, N6NKO
[Xastir] XASTIR and openSUSE 11
Lee Bengston
[Xastir] [opensuse-ham] Ham Radio Packages for openSUSE 11 .0 // Amateurfunkpakete für openSUSE 11.0 (fwd)
Curt, WE7U
[Xastir] andLinux sources install
Wes Johnston, AI4PX
[Xastir] Wx Alerts
Chip Griffin
[Xastir] Compiling help
Stephen - K1LNX