Did you send a position beacon? With a filter of m/500, it needs to
know where you are...


On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 5:47 PM, Christopher D. Thompson
> Finally getting around to setting up xastir again after a system failure that
> caused me to reinstall the entire computer system. It seems I have made some
> error in my configuration of the Internet server connection though.
> rotate.aprs.net
> port 14580
> and my call sign passcode is all in the configuration
> I've tried with the m/500 filter and without but seem to not be getting any
> data even though xastir shows a connection up and running with the server.
> anyone have a suggestion? maybe I'm using a wrong server name? or there's a
> better sever config to use? I'll continue to google but hoping someone here
> that uses APRS though the server will spot my error and point it out since i
> seem to be missing it.
> thanks
> --
> Christopher D. Thompson
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