On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 6:45 PM, Christopher D. Thompson
> On Sunday 29 June 2008 7:36:54 pm Joe Bennett wrote:
>> Did you send a position beacon? With a filter of m/500, it needs to
>> know where you are...
> Thanks not sure what I did but things started working. maybe it finally did
> send a position beacon. another thing that MAYBE got it was i tried
> aprsfl.aprs2.net although i notice that the 2 isnt in the rotate.aprs.net
> thing so maybe I need to add the 2 into the rotate address?

I also think it was just a matter of needing to transmit.  You
ultimately connected to a Tier 2 server - the list of those is at

The core servers can be found at http://www.aprs-is.net/APRSServers.aspx

Rotate.aprs.net just rotates between the 3 core servers.  You can
connect to either core servers or tier II servers.

You can also use the web links above to view the stations logged into
the APRS servers - including your own station to check its status.


Lee - K5DAT
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