Many thanx, Curt...........

I am using Xastir on openSUSE 10.2.

I have been able to put in the CAD polygons, but the labels are yellow text on a gray background and them seem to be small and blend into the topo map details. Putting them in, however, is a snap! I was looking for a why to shade the areas that were of current interest ( high POS or new Intel) or shading sectors that have hit a high POD and no long of search interest.

The mouse pointer menu has the Area Object with lots of options including bright colors and fills..... I can put in various things, but not an object that covers are particular area. Maybe I am thinking of this incorrectly. How are these Area Objects different from the CAD Polygons? No matter what I do, the object appears as a red dot with a title.

I am interested in use the indicators on the local screen only, so it is probably a moot point... just use CAD Polygons.

What would be really cool is if the CAD polygons and signposts could pull data from a cell in OOCalc, for example!!!! and then with conditional formating, when values hit thresholds, they could change the appearance and information in the object.

thx........... jt

Curt, WE7U wrote:
On Wed, 2 Jul 2008, Jim Tolbert wrote:

Newbie question working with CAD Polygons

I can insert them via the Map>Draw CAD Objects>CAD Polygons, but
how to I change the font, text color, text size, background, &
fill of the polygon while inserting and how do I modify these
things traits after insertion?   I assume it is in a manual
somewhere, but I have been unable to find it.

The CAD Polygons are an initial stab at implementation.  Tom and
myself coded that.  I intended to clean up the code a bit more and
add features there, but haven't gotten back to it.  It looks like
the docs are in README.MAPS and the in-Xastir help text (English

Here's how I do it:

    Map->Draw CAD Objects

Cut off the menu at the cut line, move the dialog somewhere

    "Draw" button

Draw the object's vertices via the middle mouse button (or both
mouse buttons if you are emulating a 3-button mouse).

    Close Polygon

Up comes a dialog where you can enter probability, name, comment,
and line type.  After you finish that dialog the name will appear in
the CAD Polygons and Erase CAD Polygons dialogs.

Turn off the "Draw" button when you're done drawing polygons.

There are no options for modifying color, text size, background,
fill.  These are not that kind of polygons.  They're used for
defining search areas.

If you're after APRS area objects, which can be lines, rectangles,
circles, etc, then you use Object/Item Create from the mouse menu.

What is the difference between an object and an item?

That's in the APRS spec.  Bob B. has more recently suggested not
using Items at all because several devices/programs did not
implement them correctly.  Xastir does support them, and correctly.

How do I use the mouse pointer menu entries for object/item create
and modify?

What's the specific problem you're having.  I've used these quite a
bit.  Be aware that many APRS programs implement these slightly

Jim Tolbert, KC9MXT


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