On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 12:51 AM, Carl Makin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Curt,
> On Mon, 8 Sep 2008, Curt, WE7U wrote:
>> I wasn't real happy that most of the libraries installed via
>> MacPorts were that many levels down _and_ had version numbers in the
>> directory names.  How are other pieces of software supposed to be
>> able to find them?  Perhaps they also got installed into
> These levels are there to support an enable/disable function in the "port"
> installer that lets you disable a port on the fly without deinstalling it.
> You should only need the /opt/local/[...] includes to pick up everything
> that is currently enabled.
>> *) Fink installs go into /sw/lib and /sw/include and not further
>>  below!
>> *) MacPorts installs go into /opt/local/lib and /opt/local/include
>>  and not further below!
>> *) Xastir's autoconf gets modified to handle the first two above.
>> *) Xastir's autoconf gets modified to add path flags for the other
>>  libraries (and perhaps executables that we use).
> This is how it works right now although configure looks in both /sw and /opt
> during the one install and will drag libraries from either which could cause
> issues.
>> With a small amount of work by us the OSX people could also have an
>> easy source install of Xastir.
> When Derrick gets the time to update the port in MacPorts then it will be as
> easy as typing "port install xastir" to get it installed. Unfortunately it
> looks like the OpenMotif port is unmaintained so the 1.9.4 port uses
> Lesstif.

All I should have to do is approve your port, I think. I will try to deal today.
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