Curt, WE7U wrote:
On Tue, 9 Sep 2008, Steve Friis wrote:

    xastir -f we7u-12 &

No, I didn't, but then that would require a restart, if I am thinking correctly how that would work.


Well, to regress back to what I originally thought, if there was a remembered list that would persist through restarts of the program, then one would only have to click on the station that was previously entered in the list. If a new station was going to be added to the list, then one would add it to a blank field. If you wanted to re-use a call, then you would just recheck that station.

I fully understand, and that would be lovely, but it's more work
than I want to do right now.

I see how your way would work too. Here in NM when I zoom in what would be a search area or a bike-a-thon etc, I don't see that it is going to be very cluttered, unless you are talking about everyone in the staging area, and even then... Now if you are talking about covering a whole county, things can get crowded in the metro's but not unreasonably. So, you method should be very useful. Probably would work even better than mine.

Xastir will give you a Chooser box before it goes to Station Info if
there's more than one station within XX pixels of where you
right-click with the mouse, then you click on the callsign you want
and it goes to Station Info.  From there you can click on the new
Track Station button which isn't labeled properly yet.

It's in CVS now.  Might not be in anonCVS for a few minutes.

Awesome Curt. I will download it later this PM. Have to head out to WSMR to work on some of their equipment. I'll let you know how it goes.I will have have to get CVS working on this old laptop to check it out. I never have gotten it to work on this one for some reason. It runs Fedora 7. I always try out the latest greatest here first before I do the work station.

GB and have a great day, and THANK YOU very much.

Steve Friis/ WM5Z
These are the humble ramblings of an old phart and in no way should they influence the actions of any intelligent and sane person.
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