Pretty trivial in
  python ( plus
  PIL (

Here is very quick and dirty code that prints the (red, green, blue) color value of pixel (x=12, y=53) for all GIF files in the current directory:

import glob, Image
for imgfile in glob.glob('./*.gif'):
    im = ('RGB')
    print imgfile, im.getpixel((12,53))

  --Jeff N0JUH

Wes Johnston, AI4PX wrote:
This question is admittedly off topic, but I figure this group is more
likely to tolerate a techhie question.

I have a program that collects screen shots on a PC at work.  I need to
analyze these GIF images to look for a specific color at ONE pixel location
which indicates a problem.  It would be nice if I could run some program
from a batch file that would analyze these GIF images by the hundred.

Is there any program anyone knows of that would report the color of a given
pixel as text output?  I could pipe the output of a batch to a text file and
then parse it for the color I'm looking for.  For example, if the pixel
color at X,Y is black, I'm fine, if it's cyan, I need to look at that image.

Unfortunately, I'm confined to windows on the PC we use.
One more thing.... Choosy perverts choose GIF.  At least that's the way it
was before JPG ;-)
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