I put the MH4 in, and set up the properties, the grid part shows up
but the grid number do not.
max min map
zoom zoom layer
- - 50000 auto no yes MH4/MH4.shp
On Sep 11, 2008, at 10:45 PM, Eric Germann wrote:
They're shapefiles I calculated. You can grab them from
and add them as layers.
I add them as a topmost layer
Keith Kaiser wrote:
Oh boy! Now you did it. Now I see things I would really like. For
example how do you get the grid square numbers to show up? I'm
guessing you have the map background set to black? How did
you....... two questions at a time is already too many..... lol
Nice looking map, I have the hurricane itself and all the rings,
very cool by the way. I'm just not seeing any of the precip yet.
Thanks for sharing your map....
On Sep 11, 2008, at 9:10 PM, Eric Germann wrote:
CC'ing the list so I don't get a bunch of questions.
It isn't for Ike specifically, it's for the US composite doppler.
Zoom out and you should see precip in the US
If you go to http://www.n1ics.net/asp/ike.png you'll see what I
see for the Gulf coast. The image is updated at 5 minute
intervals, but you'll have to refresh by hand. As it gets closer
I'll track and zoom to see what the weather stations are doing.
Most of Ike is too far off shore. When it went past Florida, you
saw arcs of precip off the west coast of FL which were the edges
of the Doppler range. It will be a weird looking one until it
gets close because they don't have Dopplers in the Gulf (maybe
they ought to park one on an oil platform.) In my PNG, if you
look in grid square EL58, I think that precip return is maybe the
edge of an outer rain band. Ditto for EL27/EL28.
Keith Kaiser wrote:
Sorry to keep buggin you.
Does it need anything special for a name? Do I need to give it
any particular Properties?
So far I've named id Ike#1.geo but don't see it on the map.
On Sep 11, 2008, at 8:14 PM, Eric Germann wrote:
Put it in your maps Directory
Click on Map ->Configure ->Index: Reindex All Maps
Then go to Map->Map Chooser and select it
Keith Kaiser wrote:
How do I make use of these in Xastir?
On Sep 11, 2008, at 7:34 PM, Eric Germann wrote:
FWIW, here is one that uses Iowa State instead of TAMU (also
attached) ...
Good luck and stay dry
#US Composite Radar image (Unidata/LDM/Gempak) n5jxs 2003 08 25
# Modified for accuracy, comments: n5jxs 2004 03 15 1400UTC
# Modified by N1ICS to use Iowa State Mesonet server instead
of Texas A&M
# 2007-Oct-18
# If you want to get a different image-type, change the
# below by removing the '#' from the front of the URL, and
# a '#' before all URLs for image-types you don't want.
# I don't know what will happen if you have multiple URLs
#URL http://mesonet.tamu.edu/gemdata/images/radar/01_USrad.png
URL http://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/data/gis/images/unproj/USCOMP/n0r_0.png
# X Y Long Lat
TIEPOINT 0 0 -126.00000 50.00000
TIEPOINT 5999 2599 -66.00000 24.00000
IMAGESIZE 6000 2600
# Map Extent (50, -126) upper left to (24, -66) lower right (.
01 degree per pixel)
# REFRESH tells your program just how often to retrieve the
# image. Images are recreated on the server every 6 minutes
# sec).
# Transparent tells the program and image handling software
# color is to be considered transparent. In this case, it's
# and valid for a 24-bit color map.
# The following should work for a 16-bit color map.
# The following should work for all color maps, now.
#TRANSPARENT 0x0ffffffff
TRANSPARENT 0x000000000
Gerry Creager wrote:
For what it's worth, Ike is heading toward a coastline near
me now. I don't know if we'll really have anything more than
a little wind and rain but if radar composites go away,
that's likely why, and we'll be back up as soon as I can
manage a recovery plan.
#US Composite Radar image (Unidata/LDM/Gempak) n5jxs 2003 08 25
# Modified for accuracy, comments: n5jxs 2004 03 15 1400UTC
# Modified by N1ICS to use Iowa State Mesonet server instead
of Texas A&M
# 2007-Oct-18
# If you want to get a different image-type, change the
# below by removing the '#' from the front of the URL, and
# a '#' before all URLs for image-types you don't want.
# I don't know what will happen if you have multiple URLs
#URL http://mesonet.tamu.edu/gemdata/images/radar/01_USrad.png
URL http://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/data/gis/images/unproj/USCOMP/n0r_0.png
# X Y Long Lat
TIEPOINT 0 0 -126.00000 50.00000
TIEPOINT 5999 2599 -66.00000 24.00000
IMAGESIZE 6000 2600
# Map Extent (50, -126) upper left to (24, -66) lower right (.
01 degree per pixel)
# REFRESH tells your program just how often to retrieve the
# image. Images are recreated on the server every 6 minutes
# sec).
# Transparent tells the program and image handling software what
# color is to be considered transparent. In this case, it's
# and valid for a 24-bit color map.
# The following should work for a 16-bit color map.
# The following should work for all color maps, now.
#TRANSPARENT 0x0ffffffff
TRANSPARENT 0x000000000
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