Richard Polivka, N6NKO wrote:

If you have another computer available, just download the .tgz files needed and put them on a flashdrive and load from there.

Another way, that is if you have the capability, get the data over your cellphone data connection.

73 from 807,

Richard , N6NKO

Hi Richard.

If you are talking about the driver for the NIC card, what I found was on the ASUS web site, they would only install it from their site, no download available. My guess is that they are trying to keep the driver a secret, but make it available for Linux users.

I plan on going to Best Buy today and I am going to get a cheapo NIC, install it, and get the driver to install. Then I will pull the cheapo NIC, hoping the built-in will now work. BTW, it is one of those 1000/100 megabit cards. Sure hope it is backward compatible to my existing network.

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