On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 9:45 AM, Steve/WM5Z <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I plan on going to Best Buy today and I am going to get a cheapo NIC,
> install it, and get the driver to install. Then I will pull the cheapo NIC,
> hoping the built-in will now work. BTW, it is one of those 1000/100 megabit
> cards. Sure hope it is backward compatible to my existing network.
> Steve/WM5Z

I was going to suggest buying another NIC since I've seen wired NICs
on sale recently for 5-10 bucks, but then your message came in while I
was reading other messages.   Most wired NICs should be detected out
of the box.  You may want to keep the 2nd NIC installed - it might
come in handy for sharing your internet connection or backing up your
laptop without disconnecting the desktop's internet connection.

Lee - K5DAT
Murphy, TX
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