Right, but in addition to instanceFactory, we also need to provide the
So if we have

class ColorFactory {
   public void setFoo(String foo) { }
   public Color createColor(String type) { }

class RGBColor extends Color {
  public void setR(int r) {}
  public void setG(int g) {}
  public void setB(int g) {}

class YUVColor extends Color {
  public void setY(int y) {}
  public void setU(int u) {}
  public void setV(int v) {}

then, we'd have:

 ObjectRecipe colorFactoryRecipe = new ObjectRecipe(ColorFactory.class)
 colorFactoryRecipe.setProperty("foo", "bar"); factory

 ObjectRecipe rgbRecipe = new ObjectRecipe();
 rgbRecipe.setProperty("type", "rgb");
 rgbRecipe.setProperty("r", "255");
 rgbRecipe.setProperty("g", "255");
 rgbRecipe.setProperty("b", "255");

If we have:

class ColorFactory {

   public static Color createColor(String type) { }

then we'd have:

 ObjectRecipe redRecipe = new ObjectRecipe();
 redRecipe.setProperty("r", "255");

But Jarek is right, and we might have other problems with the way the
arguments matching is done.

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 19:26, David Blevins <david.blev...@visi.com> wrote:
> [cc'ing the xbean-...@geronimo.a.o list]
> On Apr 23, 2009, at 9:56 AM, Guillaume Nodet wrote:
>>>>  In blueprint, there is a notion of factory
>>>> component, which should be built by its own recipe
>>> With you so far.
>>>> , then used as a reference to create the object using arguments if any
>>> Not sure what "used as a reference" means.  Also not sure what "using
>>> arguments" means.  Are the arguments somehow different than the
>>> properties
>>> in a recipe?  Where do they come from?
>> Just meaning that the factory is itself a bean usually created with
>> its own recipe.
>> So the properties on the recipe that uses the factory will be used to:
>>  * call the factory method
>>  * populate the created beans with properties
>>>> , then populating the created beans using properties.
>>> So the factory is allowed to create several beans and I guess is kept
>>> around
>>> and the resulting beans should be injected with it's own set of
>>> properties?
>> Right
> So is this basically what you're talking about? (making up some api here)
>  ObjectRecipe colorFactoryRecipe = new ObjectRecipe(ColorFactory.class)
>  colorFactoryRecipe.setProperty("foo", "bar"); // set the properties for the
> factory
>  ColorFactory colorFactory = (ColorFactory) factoryRecipe.create();
>  ObjectRecipe redRecipe = new ObjectRecipe();
>  redRecipe.setInstanceFactory(colorFactory);
>  redRecipe.setProperty("r", "255");
>  redRecipe.setProperty("g", "0");
>  redRecipe.setProperty("b", "0");
>  Color red = (Color) redRecipe.create();
>  ObjectRecipe blueRecipe = new ObjectRecipe();
>  blueRecipe.setInstanceFactory(colorFactory);
>  blueRecipe.setProperty("r", "0");
>  blueRecipe.setProperty("g", "0");
>  blueRecipe.setProperty("b", "255");
>  Color blue = (Color) redRecipe.create();
> That the basic idea?
> -David

Guillaume Nodet
Blog: http://gnodet.blogspot.com/
Open Source SOA

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