
I'm the dev. of the YouTube addon...your approach to play videos with the
addon like so is alright ;)

Regarding the gimp files...I think you have to remove them manually while
creating the addon package or you use the .ignore file for git...but then
your gimp files will not be pushed to git.


Guido Flohr <guido.fl...@cantanea.com> schrieb am Mo., 30. Nov. 2015 um
05:41 Uhr:

> Hi,
> I want to submit a video plug-in for the first time and have two questions.
> Is there a way to exclude files from being installed? My repository
> contains for example the Gimp files for most images I use but they should,
> of course, not be installed but only the png versions.
> Part of the content provided by my plug-in is hosted on youtube.com.  I
> made my life easy, and added a dependency on the youtube plug-in, and link
> directly from my plug-in into the youtube plug-in, for example with
> plugin://plugin.video.youtube/play/video-id.  Is there anything wrong with
> that approach?
> The repository for the plug-in is git://
> git.cantanea.com/plugin.video.kochvideos.git (no, this is not yet a pull
> request).
> Cheers,
> Guido
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