The command name is "makeconservercf", not "mkconservercf". I searched the
xCAT documentation wiki and updated all the references for "mkconservercf"
to "makeconservercf". Thanks for pointing out this problem .

 Li,Guang Cheng (李光成)
 IBM China System Technology Laboratory
 Email: ligua...@cn.ibm.com
 Address: Building 28, ZhongGuanCun Software Park,
          No.8, Dong Bei Wang West Road, Haidian District Beijing 100193,

邮编: 100193

             Luis Miguel Silva                                             
             rasi...@gmail.com                                          To 
             >                         xCAT Users Mailing list             
             2011-07-25 08:49                                           cc 
             Please respond to         Re: [xcat-user] Problem running kvm 
                xCAT Users             vms                                 
               Mailing list                                                

Oh k, figured out what the problem was.

Here's the solution (in case anybody bumps into the same issue):
- in kvm_nodedata, i had a reference to "br0". I changed the table and
updated to "virbr0" and it worked!
- as for the error i was having with listing the vms in my hypervisor,
it was because i did not have a valid entry in the "hypervisor" table:
[root@xcat bla]# tabdump hypervisor


By the way, i don't seem to have the "mkconservercf" command
(referenced in the "XCAT Virtualization with KVM" tutorial) in my
system. Any thoughts on that?


On Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 6:40 PM, Luis Miguel Silva
<luismiguelferreirasi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'm doing some tests with kvm vms and i'm running into some problems...
> First off all, let me start by saying that i'm running CentOS 5.6 on
> my xCAT headnode and trying to provision rhels6 hypervisors (as that
> might be one of the reasons why i'm having problems)...
> I don't think that is what is causing this problem i'm experiencing
> but...thought it might be worth mentioning i'm running CentOS 5.6 (and
> kernel 2.6.18-194.32.1.el5).
> I followed the instructions in the xCAT Virtualization with KVM
> tutorial (
> deployed one of my nodes (i11) with rhels-x86_64-kvm and this is what
> is happening:
> [root@xcat rh]# lsvm i11
> Error: 443 (connect: Connection refused)
> i11: Error: hypervisor unreachable
> Error: The following hypervisors failed to become ready for the
operation: i11
> [root@xcat rh]# rpower kvm1 stat
> kvm1: off
> [root@xcat rh]# rpower kvm1 on
> kvm1: Error: Failed to add tap interface to bridge 'br0': No such
> device: Failed to add tap interface to bridge 'br0': No such device
> [root@xcat rh]#
> A couple of notes:
> a) i11 is currently installed with rhels6-x86_64-kvm
> b) i can see the bridge interface on i11 though, in my case, it is
> called "virbr0" and not "br0"
> c) so i tried setting vm.nics to br0 and virbr0 (without much luck)
> d) here is how my vm table looks like
> [root@xcat ~]# tabdump vm


> e) i can see it created the vm's qcow2 file
> [root@xcat ~]# ls /vms/shared/
> kvm1.hda.qcow2
> [root@xcat ~]#
> f) and here's "brctl show"'s output on my hypervisor
> [root@xcat ~]# ssh i11 brctl show
> bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces
> virbr0          8000.000000000000       yes
> [root@xcat ~]#
> Any thoughts on what might be going on?
> Thank you,
> Luis


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