I have a confluent system running in my vmware lab at home, and after some
time I got it to deploy VM's successfully by disabling the firewall on
the confluent head node.  I use FreeIPA for identity and DNS (which was a
huge help getting going with Confluent, I highly recommend it).

I'm replacing the xCAT head node at work with the same setup (Confluent on
Rocky 9.3, FreeIPA id server handling DNS for the management network and
domain).  FreeIPA works great, sudo rules work as expected, etc.

However, even with SElinux disabled and firewalld stopped nodes cannot get
past the first few boot steps.  PXE works, the node gets the right
ip/dns/etc, but the process fails with:

dracut-pre-trigger Failed getting API token, check
deployment.apiarmed attribute on <node>

The attribute looks right on the node (once).

I've followed the quick start and other guides (as far as I know) but I
can't get past this to continue deployment.  Confluent event log shows PXE
offer to the node, and nothing else.  As I mentioned, Confluent works fine
at home as long as the firewall is disabled (still haven't found the right
combo of rules to fix it) but does not work in my workplace env.  Is there
a way to get more verbose logging to see what's at issue?

Brian Joiner
xCAT-user mailing list

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