It's well and good to desire more customization options for users, but that's 
still not an XDG issue.  Rather:

it is within the power and scope of responsibility of each desktop project 
(GNOME, for example) to provide a way for users to opt for window titles, menu 
items, etc. to be presented in differently-cased form than is read from 
.desktop files, if the project should choose to do so.
it is within the power and scope of responsibility of projects and 
redistributors that provide .desktop files to provide string content within, 
including internationalized content, in an appropriate form (whatever that 
means, contextually).

XDG is not in control of those details, nor should it be.


John Bollinger

From: xdg <> on behalf of David Chmelik 
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2024 8:06 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: XDG critical grammar issue

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On Fri, 21 Jun 2024 08:50:04 -0000 (UTC), David Chmelik wrote:
People convinced me it's a style issue, though my opinion hasn't changed
what should(n't) be titles, so I wish users that don't edit XDG code have
more choice.


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