--- On Tue, 6/9/09, Justin Case <send_lotsa_spam_h...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> > There is some development, and I pushed release 2.0.7
> last week. 
> Indeed, I've seen in the subversion link (and only there)
> that the latest version is 2.0.7. My problem was, there is
> no roadmap or timeline of the project on the webpage so I
> couldn't know if version 2.0.7 was released last week or 2
> years ago. Even the JIRA of the XDoclet2 project lists as
> latest release version 1.0.5... again without a release
> date, but I opened by chance one of the fixed issues and it
> said last modify date August 08.

Well, xdoclet as we know it  is splitted into 3 parts:
 - generama ( generic generator framework, also used independently ) 
 - xdoclet ( veing generama extension ) 
 - plugins ( living on sourceforge and following own release cycle )

There was far more developers for plugins than for core, so project was
not moved to codehaus. 

> I'm using EJB2, ValueObjects and Struts 1 :) it's an
> outdated project I just jumped in so there are many corners
> needing work. Can I (more or less) safely use XDoclet2 for
> these 3 features?

Well,  as I do not use those features, I can not say whether they are 
in a good shape ;)  You may just try.  Vanilla EJB must be good, 
AS specific stuff ( if it is not jboss ) will be in not so good shape.
If there is no value object plugin, it can be added easily
because we use sane templating engine now ( velocity ) 

> > > - am I missing something from the XDoclet2 SVN
> repository?
> > Complete repository (several of them)  ;) 
> Ok, then how do I get to the rest? As I said, checking out
> the link on the webpage 
> (http://svn.codehaus.org/xdoclet/tags/maven2-xdoclet2-plugin-2.0.7)
> left me only with a handful files. Or I could also skip
> that, as long I have the binary distribution... anyway.

well, you have got only maven2 plugin - if you look one 
floor up, there will be more ;) 

basically you do not need binary distro if you are using m2,
but you can always build your own  from plugin sources
( check out everything,  recompile  everything, and then build dist from 
distribution suibdirectory ) 

> Any comment on the ValueObject module? It's still missing
> in the 1.0.4 binary release of XDocletPlugins...
> > Well,  there is now xdoclet, and xdoclet plugins in
> separate 
> > projects. 
> > Build / Distribution is done with maven 2, there is
> also m2
> > plugin so you
> > do not have to download anything if you use it. 
> > 
> > Complete binary distribution was uploaded to 
> > xdoclet-plugins project on sourceforge:
> > http://www.sf.net/xdoclet-plugins/
> The link gave me 404 - page not found... but a search on
> sourceforge got me the right link 
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/xdoclet-plugins/
> Once again thanks for the information. I only wish I could
> have read this info on the project's web page... is there a
> way one could write it down there? I can upload it myself if
> time is the problem - just let me know if it's fine with
> everybody.

There is confluence on codehaus,  

and I would be happy to upload any provided text to it ;) 

----[ Konstantin Pribluda http://www.pribluda.de ]----------------
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