Forgot one series (albeit of a single patch):

On Mon, 2015-03-02 at 14:53 +0000, Ian Campbell wrote:
> There's quite a few series out there right now from you guys, with quite
> a number of patches in each, so I think we need to prioritise the order
> we deal with them.
> I am intending to go through them in the following order:
>       * Basic platform support code

        * VMAP PTE present fix

>       * PCI support
>       * ITS support
>       * Other new work (e.g. NUMA)
> Does that ordering suit your plans?
> I think we don't want to build up too much of a backlog so it would be
> good to put an emphasis on addressing comments & resending stuff nearer
> the top of the list first.
> (With that in mind I think the basic platform device was almost there
> but needed a couple of minor things addressing in one patch).
> Cheers,
> Ian.
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