At 13:47 +0000 on 02 Nov (1446472041), Wei Liu wrote:
> So I propose we use the following scheme:
> - 6 months release cycle from unstable branch.
>   - 4 months development.
>   - 2 months freeze.
>   - Eat into next cycle if doesn't release on time.
> - Fixed cut-off date: the Fridays of the week in which the last day of
>   March and September falls.
> - No more freeze exception, but heads-up mails about freeze will be
>   sent a few weeks before hand.
> - Stable branch maintained for 18 months full support plus 18 months
>   security support. No mixed maintainership for stable trees.
> Please vote to ack or nack this proposal.

This seems like a reasonable plan.  Since I'm not actively involved in
releases or large feature review, and I don't want to dictate things
that really only affect other people, I vote 0.



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