On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 08:56:34PM -0200, Sadi wrote:
> Hello,

CC-ing relevant people.
> I've been trying to set COLO replication to work but i'm stuck on a problem
> when migrating de primary VM to secondary host.
> I have been following the instructions from this wiki
> - http://wiki.xenproject.org/wiki/COLO_-_Coarse_Grain_Lock_Stepping
> and this mail thread
>  -
> http://xen.markmail.org/search/?q=COLO#query:COLO+page:1+mid:fb7wrn62vbks4unn+state:results
> I'm anexing the steps i took setting the environment before facing this
> problem when executing 'xl remus' command:
> >migration target: Ready to receive domain.
> >Saving to migration stream new xl format (info 0x3/0x0/2840)
> >Loading new save file <incoming migration stream> (new xl fmt info
> 0x3/0x0/2840)
> >Savefile contains xl domain config in JSON format
> >Parsing config from <saved>
> >xc: info: Saving domain 2, type x86 HVM
> >xc: info: Found x86 HVM domain from Xen 4.7
> >xc: info: Restoring domain
> >xc: Frames iteration 0 of 5: 1045504/1045504  100%
> >xc: Domain now suspended: 0/0    0%
> >libxl: error: libxl_qmp.c:702:libxl__qmp_initialize: Connection error: No
> such file or directory
> >libxl: error: libxl_colo_restore.c:817:colo_restore_setup_cds_done: COLO:
> failed to setup device >for guest with domid 1
> >xc: error: Restore failed (38 = Function not implemented): Internal error
> >libxl: info: libxl_colo_restore.c:320:libxl__colo_restore_teardown: colo
> fails
> >libxl: error: libxl_stream_read.c:852:libxl__xc_domain_restore_done:
> restoring domain: Function >not implemented
> >libxl: info: libxl_colo_restore.c:320:libxl__colo_restore_teardown: colo
> fails
> I'm hoping that someone could provide with directions.
> Thanks for your time and sory for bad english (not native language).
> Sadi.

> Network
> master:
> br0 : binded with eth0
> eth1:
> eth2:
> slave:
> br0 eth0: binded with eth0
> br1: no ip address binded with eth1
> eth1:
> eth2:
> Eth1 both sides directly connected by cable
> Eth2 both sides directly connected by cable
> Repositories used:
> https://github.com/Pating/colo-proxy/tree/changlox
> https://github.com/macrosheep/iptables.git 
> https://github.com/torvalds/linux 
> https://github.com/wencongyang/xen 
> Kernel build instructions followed:
> 2. Prepare host kernel for Dom0
> colo-proxy kernel module need cooperate with linux kernel. You should patch 
> kernel with ~/colo-proxy/colo-patch-for-kernel.patch 
> -cd ~/colo-proxy/; git checkout 405527cbfa9f
> -cd ~/linux/; git checkout v4.0; git am 
> ~/colo-proxy/colo-patch-for-kernel.patch 
> -cp /boot/config-3.0.76-0.11-xen .config; make menuconfig to config your 
> kernel support Dom0. Ref: 
> http://wiki.xenproject.org/wiki/Mainline_Linux_Kernel_Configs 
> -make -j8; make modules_install; make install 
> -reboot
> COLO-Proxy:
> -cd ~/colo-proxy/; git checkout 405527cbfa9f; make; make install
> IPTables:
> -cd iptables; ./autogen.sh; ./configure --prefix=/usr/ --libdir=/usr/lib64; 
> make; make install
> XEN:
> -./autogen.sh
> -./configure --enable-debug 
> -touch tools/libxl/libxlu_disk_l.l 
> -touch tools/libxl/libxlu_cfg_l.l 
> -make dist-xen 
> -make dist-tools 
> -make install-xen 
> -make install-tools 
> *i've tried with https://github.com/wencongyang/qemu-xen but got an error 
> with qemu when xl creating the VM as follows:
> >libxl: error: libxl_qmp.c:287:qmp_handle_error_response: received an error 
> >message from QMP server: Could not set password
> Qemu
> -cd ~/qemu-xen/; git checkout colo-xen-v2
> Configured QEMU with script provided at:
> http://xen.markmail.org/message/y4jcdqxw2s2labdo?q=COLO#query:COLO+page:1+mid:3lzcuzeokqsqpu4i+state:results
> *path_to_xen_source updated according my directory tree.
> then..
> -make
> -make install
> Running COLO
> *HVM SUSE 64bits
> primary:
> rm -f /var/log/xen/* 
> rm -f /var/lib/xen/userdata-d.* 
> service xencommons start 
> modprobe nf_conntrack_ipv4 
> modprobe xt_PMYCOLO sec_dev=eth1
> secondary:
> rm -f /var/log/xen/*
> rm -f /var/lib/xen/userdata-d.*
> service xencommons start
> modprobe xt_SECCOLO
> active_disk=/mnt/ramfs/active_disk.img
> hidden_disk=/mnt/ramfs/hidden_disk.img
> local_img=/root/new/SUSE/xenguest.img
> tmp_disk_size=`/root/new/pating/qemu-xen/qemu-img info $local_img |grep 
> 'virtual size' |awk  '{print $3}'`
> rm -rf /mnt/ramfs/*
> umount /mnt/ramfs/
> rm -rf /mnt/ramfs/
> mkdir /mnt/ramfs
> function create_image()
> {
>      /root/new/pating/qemu-xen/qemu-img create -f qcow2 $1 $tmp_disk_size
> }
> function prepare_temp_images()
> {
>      grep -q "^none /mnt/ramfs ramfs" /proc/mounts
>      if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
>          mount -t ramfs none /mnt/ramfs/ -o size=2G
>      fi
>      if [[ ! -e $active_disk ]]; then
>          create_image $active_disk
>      fi
>      if [[ ! -e $hidden_disk ]]; then
>          create_image $hidden_disk
>      fi
> }
> prepare_temp_images
> primary:
> xl create new/SUSE/vm-suse.cfg
> xl pause vm-suse
> xl remus -c -u vm-suse

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