Jan Kiszka wrote:
 > Gilles Chanteperdrix wrote:
 > > Jan Kiszka wrote:
 > >  > I just analysed this further: the problem disappears when I manually
 > >  > remove any "-I<path-to-kernel-includes>" from the makefiles. Seems to be
 > >  > the well-known user space include issue again... ;)
 > > 
 > > I tried to compile every kernel arch/i386 has a patch for with gcc 2.95,
 > > 3.3 and 3.4, and I saw no issue with inclusions of kernel headers
 > > from user-space. At all.
 > I think you were lucky. As far as I remember, it is generally no good
 > idea to include kernel header for userspace compilation as long as you
 > do not _exactly_ know (or test) what they bring with them. Some
 > structures or defines locate in different headers under /usr/include
 > compared to some kernel tree. So, if you are not lucky, you drag those
 > definitions in twice - see below.
 > > 
 > > So, there is definitely something you are doing differently from me. 
 > > If this issue is different from the '-m32' flag issue, could you please
 > > fill a bug report, and this time, attach the exact procedure you are
 > > following to compile (whether in-tree, or out-of-tree, whether using
 > > configure or Kconfig, everything that would allow someone to ), the
 > > .config and .xeno_config files you used, in order for me to be able to
 > > reproduce the problem you observed ?
 > > 
 > As I'm not sure if you can reproduce it easily without my environment
 > (that damn x86_64 gcc4 on SuSE10), I digged a little bit deeper, and
 > here is a new theory:
 > The compilation fails in skins/native/libs/task.c (there exist similar
 > files in other skins as well). The error: structures in
 > <linux>/include/asm/sigcontext.h are being redefined. Unfortunately, gcc
 > does not tell me where the first definition was. But here is my finding:
 > commenting out #include <signal.h> in libs/task.c makes that error
 > disappear. Following the include chain of /usr/include/signal.h
 > (userspace headers...), you get to /usr/include/bits/sigcontext.h.

I still do not get it: you are compiling on x86_64, so headers in
/usr/include are for x86_64, not ia32. Are you sure you do not need some
glibc-ia32-cross-devel package, or something like that ? The kernel does
not have these problems, since it is compiled with -ffreestanding.

Are you able to compile an ia32 user-space  hello world for example ?


                                            Gilles Chanteperdrix.

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