Obviously I misunderstood the way it installs itself. Anyway after the
proper installation (no xeno-flags for busybox and dest_dir as
$myfilesystem_root/) neither latency or xeno-test was working.

*/usr/xenomai/bin/xeno-test-run: error while loading shared libraries:
libpthread.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
/usr/xenomai/bin # ./latency
./latency: error while loading shared libraries: libpthread.so.0: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory
/usr/xenomai/bin #

So I run cmd:

*arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-readelf -d latency*

and copied all the NEEDED libraries into /lib path of my rootfs. And again
i got this:

*/usr/xenomai/bin # ./latency
Xenomai init: open(/dev/mem): No such file or directory

Xenomai generated lots of devices (rtheap, rtp0 - rtp31) but no mem device.
Is it supposed to generate itself or should I use mdev in script or smth?

Sorry to be so problemative but I'm quite determined to run this system
which I believe is nearly ready.

Marcin Kuśka

2012/7/6 Gilles Chanteperdrix <gilles.chanteperd...@xenomai.org>

> On 07/06/2012 05:42 PM, Marcin Kuśka wrote:
> >>
> >> You are compiling with -march=armv7-a and linking with
> >> -march=armv4t, are you sure this is supposed to work?
> >>
> >> I guess compiling for armv7 and linking for armv4 is not supported...
> >> Anyway, to understand what happens, you can do what is written,
> >> look at config.log.
> >>
> >>
> > Yes that was the problem. Many thanks!
> >
> > Now i face another problem. I put the CFLAGS and LDFLAGS in busybox to
> > xeno-config --skin=native --cflags and xeno-config --skin=native --cflags
> You do not need to compile busybox with xenomai native skin. You only
> need to compile xenomai applications with xenomai native skin flags. In
> fact, as long as you do not make your own xenomai application, you do
> not need to compile anything with xenomai flags. You should just install
> xenomai on an otherwise normal root filesystem and try running xenomai
> testsuite programs, such as "latency".
> > and imported NEEDED libraries to my/rootfilesystem/path/lib and got
> xenomai
> > error:
> >
> > *Xenomai: /dev/rtheap is missing
> > *
> > *(chardev, major=10 minor=254)
> >
> > *
> > I was surprised that i have to copy those devices by myself but I did it.
> You are suppposed to run make DESTDIR=/my/rootfilesystem/path install,
> and everything will be installed.
> > Now the problem sounds following:
> >
> > *Xenomai init: open(/dev/mem): No such file or directory
> > Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!*
> That is because you have compiled busybox with xenomai flag, which is
> completely useless. And if your filesystem does not have /dev/mem, it is
> seriously screwed.
> Seriously, is README.INSTALL so hard to understand?
> --
>                                             Gilles.

Marcin Kuśka
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