On 02/13/2014 07:08 PM, Philippe Gerum wrote:
> On 02/13/2014 06:51 PM, Gilles Chanteperdrix wrote:
>> On 02/13/2014 06:48 PM, Philippe Gerum wrote:
>>> We'd need the patch below at the very least to fix the obvious sched
>>> slot init issue, but there is more actually. rthal_timer_request() makes
>>> the same broken assumption that CPU0 will be part of the rt set for all
>>> SMP archs the same way.
>> I am the one who made the broken assumption... I simply assumed all cpus
>> were real-time at that time. And made the same assumption when writing
>> the switchtest test.
> Nope, the rthal_timer_request() is mine, I recognize bugs I committed 
> when I see them: they most often come back and haunt me like a curse, 
> long after I forgot the reason for writing the broken code. But hey, 
> I'll happily leave you all the rest!
I remember faintly changing a test counting the number of timers
requested with a test with cpu == 0. But looking in ksrc/arch/*/hal.c, I
see that the test for cpu_timers_requested is still there. Must have


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