As far as I know there is no Ipipe patch for L4T so you'd have to
use mainline Linux if you'd like to run Xenomai on the TX1 or TX2.
I'm not sure what tools this would leave you with for the GPU but I
don't think Cuda works with the nouveau drivers.
    The other issue that I've seen on x86 boards with Nvidia gpus is
it's unknown how long the Nvidia driver turn interrupts off for, so
latency may be affected.  I don't think there are plans to port the
ipipe to L4T but if you would like to try I'm sure people here would
be willing to answer questions.


On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 10:10 AM, alessio margan <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> does anybody have successfully run Xenomai-3+RTnet on NVIDIA Jetson TX1/TX2
> compute modules ?
> this is a TX1 lscpu output
> nvidia@tegra-ubuntu:~$ lscpu
> Architecture:          aarch64
> Byte Order:            Little Endian
> CPU(s):                4
> On-line CPU(s) list:   0-3
> Thread(s) per core:    1
> Core(s) per socket:    4
> Socket(s):             1
> Model name:            ARMv8 Processor rev 1 (v8l)
> CPU max MHz:           1734.0000
> CPU min MHz:           102.0000
> Hypervisor vendor:     (null)
> Virtualization type:   full
> L1d cache:             32K
> L1i cache:             48K
> L2 cache:              2048K
> Alessio
> --
> Alessio Margan
> Chief Technician
> Advanced Robotics Department
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> Tel. +39 010 71781-754
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