One more question. Sorry for flooding the list.

As a workaround to avoid leaking memory, I would like to try this :

 - : stub library, linked with bootstrap-pic.o
 -,, ... : libraries calling alchemy/posix realtime
resources, NOT linked with bootstrap-pic.o

Process life-cycle would be :

- process start


dlsym + call
dlsym + call


- process end

Is that correct to assume that this way, pointers setup while calling
xenomai_init() as a side effect of first dlopen() would stay valid while
other non-bootstrap-pic libraries are loaded and unloaded ?

On 26/04/2018 09:39, Edouard Tisserant wrote:
> @Henning Schild :
> I just see your message from Tuesday : '[PATCH 3/3] build: link dlopen
> libs with "nodelete"'
> Is "nodelete" the only way to make it stable ? Does it apply only to
> Xenomai libs (i.e. alchemy, copperplalte) or should it also apply to
> final shared object that uses Xenomai libs ? 
> Edouard
> On 26/04/2018 09:02, Edouard Tisserant wrote:
>> Good Morning !
>> I'm chasing the origins of a random segfault when porting Beremiz to
>> Xenomai 3.
>> Beremiz PLC runtime loads PLC logic as a shared object. Loading is
>> performed as dlopen call from python interpreter. Each time PLC
>> programmer tries a new program, previous shared object is dlcosed and
>> the new program is dlopened.
>> Of course, there is in depth checks to ensure that all
>> dlopen/dlclose/dlsym operations are done from main thread only, and it
>> is ensured that all real time tasks and resources have been closed
>> before dlclose.
>> Also, I did check that implicit call to xenomai_init_dso() really
>> happens, when linking shared object with bootstrap-pic.o . I also tried
>> explicit call to xenomai_init (once at first load or after every
>> dlopen), no change.
>> I tried last commit about this topic : "boilerplate/setup: introduce
>> destructors for __setup_call"
>> (5511e76040444af875ae1bb099c13a25b16336fc). It didn't help,
>> unfortunately, but did remove Xenomai "Bad syscall" warning sometimes
>> after dlclose.
>> Segfault never happen at first reload. i.e. dlopen/dlcose/dlopen never
>> fails. You have to at least extend the sequence to
>> dlopen/dlcose/dlopen/dlcose/dlopen to see the crash. In other words,
>> smokey/dlopen test doesn't try hard enough to catch the problem. I have
>> to reload about 6 times to have a crash. Also, it seems that crash has
>> higher probability to occur if no symbol was called from shared object
>> in between dlopen and dlclose (dlsym was called).
>> Enabling full Xenomai debug didn't display more details on the crash.
>> Post-mortem debug (gdb -c core) works, but gdb can't give me any
>> backtrace :
>> (gdb) bt
>> #0  0x00007fb8 in ?? ()
>> #1  0xb520c098 in ?? ()
>> Is there a way to have gdb telling a bit more about what happens in
>> boilerplate/copperplate ? How can I find where it crashes ?
>> Cheers,
>> Edouard

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